World premiere of KNOYUGOGH by Reuben Dunbar at Robert Cole Studios


Opens Tuesday, October 22 and runs Wednesdays through Sundays at 8pm. thru Nov. 17.

All Sundays also offer matinees at 2pm.


Call for reservations at 202-234-9495. All tickets are $15


Scot McKenzie and Kate Eastwood Norris star in the world premiere of a truly unique theatrical event . "Knoyugogh" uses as its premise two unpredictable people engaged in fast and furious imaginative play. Creating and inhabiting a dizzying variety of realities, they leap through time periods, theatrical genres and performance styles, incorporating improvisation, live music and audience interaction throughout. For an evening of high-energy, unapologetically theatrical entertainment, Knoyugogh is not to be missed!


Scot McKenzie, Kate Eastwood Norris

and Scott Burgess performing original music

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